Play Video about Getting the Most out of Opportunity Zone Tax Incentives

Getting the Most Out of Opportunity Zone Tax Incentives

This video covers the ways opportunity zone incentives can deliver improved financial planning strategies and results. Learn about the OZ initiative, its benefits, and how these tax incentives now can be accessed by all investors, not just accredited investors. 

Play Video about Utilizing Opportunity Zone REITs with Mike Kelley

Utilizing Opportunity Zone REITs with Mike Kelley

In this exclusive interview Mike Kelley, CEO of Park View OZ REIT explains how opportunity zone investments work, the benefits of investing through shares of stock vs. partnerships, and gives insight into the future of his company. 

Play Video about Park View OZ REIT Fund Introduction

Park View OZ REIT Fund Introduction

Park View OZ REIT is a QOF. We invest in opportunity zone properties throughout the U.S. Our structure is highly advantageous for long-term investors with capital gains. Our shareholders enjoy advantages because we are a publicly reporting company. 

Play Video about What is a QOF If You Owe Capital Gains Tax They Can Help

What is a QOF? If You Owe Capital Gains Tax They Can Help

If you have a capital gain in stocks, real estate, cryptocurrency or any asset, understanding eligibility for QOF benefits and how QOFs defer and eliminate capital gain liabilities is crucial to building a tax-efficient portfolio.  

Play Video about Grow your business with QOFs and 199A tax incentives

Grow Your Business with QOFs And 199A Tax Incentives

New tax incentives, which were previously only available through partnerships, can now be accessed by all investors in a way that is both liquid and low fee. These new tools can help by deferring and potentially eliminating income and capital gain tax liability.    

Play Video about How to Make QOFs Work for Your Clients

How to Make Qualified Opportunity Funds Work for Your Clients

Topics discussed include how generational tax plans can benefit from pairing QOFs with irrevocable grantor trusts and how QOFs can be used in conjunction with, or instead of, 1031 exchanges, which were adversely affected by the 2017 Tax Cuts & Jobs Act.

Investing in Opportunity